Last weekend we were able to spend some time with Amber and her boyfriend, Taylor. We decided to meet half way and take the boys to the Mayborn Museum. I\We had been there before but it had been a few years ago and thought the boys were at a better age now to really enjoy it...and they did!! It's a great museum for adults, too. Everything is very hands on and interactive. You are encouraged to touch and even mess things up so you can experiment and learn while putting it back together. It was a fun day and I'm glad they were able to spend some time with Amber!
The weather room was neat with a tornado the boys loved watching and putting their hands in it to watch how it formed again.
Meteorologist Amber bringing us the weather report
The transportation room with cars and buses and fire trucks and all the accessories to go along with it.
This room looked like safety city with several of these cars to drive to different locations like the grocery store, the post office, a little house. This was Teague's favorite I think. He loved driving to the grocery, filling up his cart, loading his car with groceries and then taking it to the house and putting all the food in the fridge. He was so cute!!
We all loved the water/bubble room. We couldn't get the boys away from the water table. Troy enjoyed making different paths for the water current to move through and then sailing his boat down it. Amber and I played with the bubbles for awhile and then Troy decided to join in. Here he is inside a bubble.
The bubble wall
Teague popped my bubble!!
The trains were by far the place the boys wanted to stay the longest and where we kept coming back to as we went from room to room. It was a pretty amazing model train set up with different levels and 4 or 5 different trains running around it. Oma got them involved with trains by showing them her model train several years back and they both have loved trains ever since! At the end of our visit, Amber told them they could each pick one thing from the gift shop and guess what they both chose...a train!!