Monday, May 06, 2013


I love the song by Hawk Nelson called "Words".  I try very hard to use my words effectively to communicate good or bad throughout the day, and I feel words are very important in every relationship. 

Very early on in Richard and I's relationship we figured out that his love language was quality time and mine was words of affirmation.  Unfortunately, one of his strengths is not words of affirmation, so for awhile I thought he wasn't that into me and that I wasn't appreciated. I remember having several arguments which ended up being just miscommunication because I felt unloved due to his lack of words.  Over lunch one afternoon with my girl friends I was venting my frustration and Laura mentioned getting a journal; something I would write in periodically and then give to him for him to write in and then pass back to me.  We started it close to the beginning of the year and it has dramatically improved our relationship.   I love the fact that we both can share things with each other and that on days when I am needing more words from him, I can easily flip back and re-read things he wrote.  It has been wonderful and I am so thankful that the idea was passed down to me and thankful that I have a man willing to go outside of the box to speak my love language.

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