Sunday, November 03, 2013

Finding Freedom....continued

I have only been blogging about 7 years and started mainly to keep friends and family up to date on pictures and events when my first child was born. Slowly, I found out that I love writing and tend to use blogging as an outlet and a way to process my thoughts. On top of the fact that I print out my blog annually as a scrapbook for me and future generations. In some tough times, blogging truly kept me sane and connected to others I didn't even know, but who encouraged and lifted me up in prayer. I also have tried to stay transparent in my writing and in many cases God has used that to help someone else I didn't know I was helping. I love that God can use me through this blog to reach people so far beyond my immediate sphere of influence.

Several years ago, in my naiveté, I let anyone comment directly to my blog, but now, I have them come to my email first just to make sure they are suitable to post. Mostly, I receive comments that are uplifting and from my friends and family who can relate or just support my thoughts, but every now and then I receive the negative comments. I usually just delete without further hesitation, especially when they come from someone anonymously. But last week, I got a comment that truly took me by surprise. I think my surprise was not in the words, but in how they effected me.  Here is the comment:

"Your church sounds psycho. Are you really that terrified of some evil devil entity that supposedly your God created and can't...or even worse...won't do anything about.
Your god chooses to let him run amock instead of, you know, taking care of the situation. Seriously??? I can't believe adults still believe this mythology. It's borderline pathetic.
Sadly, you have been so brainwashed since birth that you probably think the devil is writing this or inspiring someone to write this. LOL."

I got upset; probably like how most of you reading this feel now, and I wanted to justify and explain. I showed Richard and he and I talked briefly about the kind of person that would write that. Once we talked, I didn't give it much more thought. However, the week has passed and this person has come to my mind several times. I have been convicted that I should not respond out of a need to justify what I believe, but out of love because through loving others is how they know we are His disciples. (John 13:35...thanks Kim ;) ) So, first, I want to the author of this comment to know that I am praying for you. I pray that one day you will come face to face with God's power and enormous love in a way that will touch you so deeply that you can't help but be changed.

Second, I want to apologize if my "Finding Freedom" blog portrayed Christ as weak because He is far from weak.  I think possibly His kindness and patience is mistaken for weakness.  I should have better communicated how great His love for us is and through that great love He desperately wants to be reconciled with each of us, yet loves each one of us too much to force us to love Him back.  My mind can not fathom that kind of love, but I do know that is not weakness.

The Bible is clear that we have a choice, but one day every knee with bow and every tongue will confess (Phillipians 2:9-11, Romans 14:11)  The Bride of Christ will bow and confess willingly to an Almighty King and everyone else will bow and confess from the shear power of the name Jesus.  Revelation 1 paints a vivid picture of  how powerful Christ is and I look forward to the day when I get to see Him face to face and thank Him for everything!

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