Sunday, August 18, 2024

Rangers Suite

We spent the day in Arlington watching the Rangers in the Hall of Fame Suite. The tickets included brunch and great seats. We ate way too much, but the game was amazing with several home runs and a walk off run to win the game! 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Senior football pictures

This year the moms decided to hire a guy to come out and take the boys’ pictures. They all turned out so good and the boys had a lot of fun coming up with different poses and being silly with their friends! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Year #12

This year I will be stepping into a new role: Dyslexia Specialist. I have moved rooms and will be serving both the elementary and the junior high campuses. I am excited to see what this year holds and hopefully have more time and a little less stress so I can enjoy all the things the boys have going in their senior year! 

2 seniors and a sophomore

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Senior Sunrise breakfast

The year is already taking off with a breakfast for the seniors. It’s was super early, so not many came out and even Troy was riding in on two wheels late.  It was fun for the ones that did show up and hopefully they enjoyed the food and the bonding.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Senior Yearbook Pics

Yearbook pictures were today and this officially begins their senior year!! It’s going to fly by, but it’s going to be so fun!!