Friday, October 29, 2010


Over the last 6 months or so I have received a ton of compliments on my smile. It has been weird and it has been so often that it got me to thinking. My first thought was why now? Am I too old and nothing but my smile looks good anymore? Chris told me it was just men hitting on me, but I noticed woman made the same compliment. I wondered if it was because of Chris, but I have been in love before and my smile didn't seem to catch people's what is different about me now?

And then it hit me...

I am more of who God created me to be at this moment than ever before.

I have been in love. I have been happy. I have been content. I have been satisfied. I have been fulfilled. But never before have I been so in tune to God and His plans and how I fit into that as I am now. And what people are seeing isn't me, but Christ within me making me beautiful. Funny how just a smile can draw people in.

1 comment:

Brie said...

Love this!!!!!