Sunday, June 03, 2012


Baylee graduated from 6th grade this year! She goes to a small school so there were only 14 in her class and from Kindergarten until now they have all gone to the same school together.  Next year, they will all get dispersed out to 3 different schools for 7th-12th grade so there were a lot of good bye's and a few tears.  With such a small class they were able to give each student a ton of recognition, so that was neat to see.  I know she is sad to say good bye to her school and teachers and some of her friends, but she is also beyond ready to start 7th grade next year!

Baylee gave the Invocation

Baylee and her friend!
I love this picture of them!!

Baylee with Richard's parents, Lynette and Roy
Baylee and Brendan

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