Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My inbox

I have gotten into the routine of waking up before the boys and reading, praying, and checking my email every morning. At first it was just reading and praying, but as I prayed daily for God to use me each day in someones life I added checking my email to the list because I started to see God working through my inbox in such a great way.

It has blown me away the number of times that God has used my email to talk to me. I have been praying hard for a renewed word from God about my situation, just to make sure that what I have heard is still the path He wants me to take, within 3 days an email came across with exactly what I needed to hear to stay strong. A stranger reads my friend's blog and happened to click on mine and read my story. Her story was the same and she has offered so much help and advice and encouragement all because she reached out and emailed me. On several occasions I wonder 'who is this?' I open the email and they explain how they know me or where we met long ago and want to reconnect or just offer their prayers. It really is unbelievable. I now open my email with anticipation because I never know what God is going to do or who God is going to bring into my life or how He is going to use me in that relationship. When I get an email or a FB message that I'm not 100% sure of who it is, I now smile, because I wonder what is God up to this time? And I know it is a divine arrangement and I am honored He is using me.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh!!!!! I just posted an entry text message!! Same thing though. Our brains are on the same wave length for sure-haha!! Or maybe God is just going nuts trying to speak to us!! Either way I love it!

Brie said...

God continues to amaze me as your life unfolds. Thank you for sharing and for praying for us.