Thursday, February 04, 2010


I have days where my mind races. Alot of questions, none with real answers, and everyone of them points back to God. My most recent round of questions started like this...
"Why does this hurt so bad? When will it stop hurting? If my complete trust is in God should this be hurting at all? Will God do the one thing that I want so that I will stop hurting?"

I then hear from Him, "I am hurting too."

It never occurred to me that the decision that was imparted on me, was also imparted on God. I know the Bible talks about being a lukewarm Christian and how this angers God.

Revelation 3:16
"So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth."

But what about turning completely away from Him? Many days I feel Him empathizing with me in the way that He is being rejected too, and not just currently, in my own situation, but by many today and many in the past and future. I know He desperately wants those relationships with Him repaired.

Does God cry?

I know God is God and can do anything, but at the same time in His true love for us He gave us volition, a choice, our choice. He will not force Himself on anyone, as He is a Gentleman. I bet His heart aches much more than mine. So the answer to the question "Will God do the one thing that I want so that I will stop hurting?" is, it's not up to God. He sits and waits just as I do.

1 comment:

Brie said...

Wow! I'm praying foe you and the healing of your heart!