Friday, July 23, 2010

He's still involved

Over the last few months things have settled into a routine; raising the boys, work, teaching aerobics, church and the youth group, seeing Chris. It seems that now that things are quieter around here I don't notice God's hand in every detail of my life as much. For almost a year I had become accustomed, more like addicted, to seeing God move daily, if not multiple times per day. I guess that's why the Bible says "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (Psalm 34:18) In those long days and months of complete misery and question there was no doubt He was there with me and seeing His presence energized me, but now I wonder. I mean, I know that He never leaves me, but it's been awhile since I have seen Him and I miss it.

This morning, however, I saw Him move clearly. Cammy, a fellow aerobics instructor and member of my church, had subbed my aerobics classes all last week while I was on vacation. When I taught this week I saw the sign in sheet for last week and noticed my name was on the classes that she subbed. I crossed my name out and wrote in Cammy's so she would get paid for helping me out. I taught again last night and again, my name was written in and Cammy's was crossed out. I was puzzled, so when I got home I emailed Cammy to see if she knew what was going on and her reply was God's reminder that He is still involved.

"I did it- my way of thanking you for all you do with the youth at Church- please accept it!

I am so blessed to have those around me so in tune to God that they just respond to His leading with no questions asked and in turn, bless those within the community of followers that are needing help. God is so faithful!


Brie said...

I was wondering how you were doing. Amazing how God loves us!! I know that my hardest seasons of life are my closest to God and I wouldn't trade that.

The Graves Family said...

I love our church family and how amazingly intune we are with eachother's needs. =) Obviously God is at work in all our lives, and we are responding to HIM!!!