Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mystery Man

Ok, so I wanted to share more about my mystery man. To be honest I wasn't sure how I felt about dating at this point, as I shared earlier, but after several weeks and alot of prayer and advice, I am more comfortable with the idea. So...

this is Chris.

We have spent alot of time together over the last few weeks and I have really enjoyed getting to know him. He is the kind of guy that you can get dressed up and go dancing with or grab take out and curl up on the couch and watch a movie with. He knows Austin well and always has a new, original place for me to experience. I really enjoy his company and humor and great conversation. I guess I assumed I would date alot of "frogs" before I found someone worth spending time with, lucky for me that wasn't the case.


Brie said...

I've been praying for you and this dating relationship. I hope that he knows God as well as he knows Austin and leads you to knew ways to experience God along the way. I know that being pursued and feeling lovely and worthy in a mans eyes must feel so good. Kisha has a quote on her fb that says a woman should be so hidden in Christ that He should have to seek Christ to find her heart. I just wanted to encourage you and don't mean for this to come
Across negative at all. I just want such a godly warrior for you!!!!! A man so passionate and in love with Christ and seeking him for His fulfillment so that he never ever ever fails you!!!!! You deserve that!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this post...the mystery man. That he is! I hope you are enjoying your trip. I picked up the phone twice today to call you and then I remembered you were away relaxing....oh how I will miss you this week!!! Enjoy your time, you need it!!! I pray that God speaks to you while you are there, I know He will!!!