Friday, January 07, 2011


So I don't know if I would classify this under one of the first adventures of 2011 or under super scary??

Today I had a work meeting in between work and me teaching aerobics, so I didn't think much about leaving McKenna outside, because that is what I do everyday, but I guess since I didn't return home until after dark she got scared or nervous and dug out. The boys and I returned home around 7pm and I could see the hole when I drove up. I was hoping she hadn't really been able to fit through there but she did. I loaded the boys back into the car and we rolled down the windows and started yelling 'MCKENNA' as I drove up and down streets for an hour. This part might be classified as the adventure part with Troy screaming McKenna as loud as he could and Teague yelling 'Tenna' right there with Troy! I finally gave up and decided to get the boys in bed. Troy was so sad and asked if he should cry, lol!! I told him that we needed to pray to God for her safety and for her to find her way home, so we did.

She had her tags on so I kept thinking that when someone found her they would call, but no one ever called. Of course, then I started to think the worst; did someone find her and decide just to keep her, was she just roaming the streets cold and hungry, or did she get hit? I even left the porch light on for her.

At about 2:30am an owl hooting woke me up and I once again checked the front yard and again, nothing. I got back in bed and prayed again. It seemed silly to be praying for my dog to come home, but I was convicted that nothing is silly to God, and if it matters to me, it matters to Him. He brought Philippians 4:6 to mind...worry about nothing, pray about I did. And about that time I heard the neighbor dog howl and then another dog bark. I swore it sounded like McKenna so I jumped out of bed and opened the back door and there she was!!! I was so happy and just thanking God over and over!! She was a little muddy and had quite a few cactus quills in her but once I cleaned her up she got a drink of water and went straight to her bed.

In the morning, Troy came downstairs and saw her and just started yelling, "mom, look, McKenna came home!!" I think he was more excited to see her than he was when Santa came!! We then talked about our prayer the night before and how God answered that prayer and we should thank Him. He told me he gave her a big hug because he missed her and I told him he should tell her 'never run away again!' (in a mean voice) and he told, "mom, don't be mean to her, we missed her" LOL!! He is so cute!!!

I am so thankful that she was smart enough to find her way home and that I was able to use this experience as another opportunity to teach Troy about God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read that on Ambers FB!! I wondered what happened. So glad she made it home ok :) Hope yall have a good weekend