Monday, November 02, 2015

A challenge...

A little over a year ago when we moved into our new home, I decided to get back into having my daily quiet time in the morning. I asked God to make it easy for me to wake up earlier and to fit it in on a regular basis. From then on all of last year I was awakened from my sleep consistently at 5:30am.  It was so neat as the days and months went on and it just kept happening. I knew it could not be coincidence and to think that God wanted to meet with me to was amazing. When the summer came, I was able to sleep in and whenever I got up I would have my quiet time for as long as I wanted. It was so nice to have the freedom to sit and visit with God for hours on end. 
Then, August rolled back around and I was nervous that I would have to readjust to getting up earlier. So I started setting my alarm for 5:30 AM. It has been a struggle to get up when I hear the alarm go off. So, that got me to thinking back to last year when it seemed so easy. The only difference was that my alarm was set this year and it was not last year. So I decided to ask God to faithfully wake me up again to see if that made a difference. And for the last three weeks I have been able to wake up at 5:30 without any hesitation, and I truly do feel more rested than when the alarm was waking me up. There is something about being nudged awake gently versus the startling jolt you get from the loud buzzing in your ear. The more I thought about it God showed me that the alarm wasn't bad, but it left room for the enemy or myself to whisper lies like "I'm too tired" or "I'll do it later", but when God Himself is sitting at you bedside telling me it's time to wake up, there is no room for lies.  So, I challenge you, if you are having difficulty with an early-morning quiet time, to ask God to wake you up. I have found Him so faithful and I know you will also.


Anonymous said...

Praise God for spending the time to wake you up without an alarm clock since he doesn't have anything better to do like provide food and shelter to those without it, or stopping disease from ravishing Africa. Glad he has his priorities straight. You must be so special that God has anointed you with his super wake up powers. You are more deserving than others who face actual hardship.

Brittany said...

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I am always amazed and humbled that God chooses to use this blog to reach others. When I started this blog it was meant to share pictures with family not close by, but it has turned into an out reach for Him that has gone further than I could have ever imagined. He uses it daily to bless some and challenge others, and I am so glad I get to be a part of it. So in response to your comment I will leave you with 1 Peter 3:15 "But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." I can tell by the anger and sarcasm dripping from your words that you have been hurt. So please know, I am praying for you.

Amber said...

To anonymous:
Luckily God is not a charlatan behind a curtain dispensing gifts, one per person. He's not a blue genie living in a tea kettle with a three wish limitation. God can be truly great to each individual depending on how and if they want a relationship with him. While I do believe God is present in the lives of those that are less fortunate or truly suffering, I also believe that through my relationship with him the Alpha and Omega can be present in my life and make me a better and more productive individual. God Bless.
-Amber/Erin/Jesse/The Non-judgmental