Saturday, September 08, 2018

Success comes from obedience

Back in June, the Lord deposited a dream into Richard’s heart; to start a 5th quarter in our community. A 5th quarter is a gathering after home games with food and games and prizes and Jesus. While we were at youth camp over the summer Richard mentioned in passing that the Lord told him to do something so I asked what and he never really told me, nor mentioned it again. Over the years of being with Richard I have learned that he is not a poor communicator, as I had originally thought when I first met him, but rather he communicates very effectively, in his time. So all summer I prayed for whatever it was that the Lord spoke to him. At the end of July he finally shared with me his idea of the 5th quarter. I immediately felt so much life in him and the idea. I knew it was from the Lord and because of that it would be successful!

In a matter of a month or so Richard reached out to so many people who willingly volunteered to help with man power or ideas or money and last night I watched the Lord’s dream, through one man’s obedience, come to fruition.  To say I’m proud is an understatement. As I read my Bible this morning this verse was in my reading and it captures my heart’s thoughts completely! 
Song of Solomon 5:16
“His mouth is full of sweetness, and he is wholly desirable. This is my beloved and this is my friend.”

He truly is my beloved and best friend and I’m honored and humbled to serve along side him is all the Lord challenges us to do! 

A gym full of kids! Praise Jesus! Charles shared a spoken word with all of us. 

Playing a few games led by the Young Life leaders.

A highlight video was shown from the pep rally and game. 

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