Tuesday, December 22, 2009

On the ninth day of Christmas...

My True Love gave to me...

a secret

Have you ever had a friend that knew what you were about to say or do? My best example of this is from my job back in Lubbock. My coworker and I worked many long hours doing the same thing. Within a few months we had quite a routine, and as the years went on we had mastered the art of silent communication. She knew what I was going to do next and visa versa and we anticipated what was coming next to make it easier or run more smoothly for each of us. We were a well oiled machine and worked like clock work without saying anything to each other. I really enjoyed that and have some on my best memories from that job with her.

In the book 'Hearing God' by Dallas Willard he speaks of a conversational relationship with God. That our obedience to God is directly linked to our intimacy with Him. The more we obey what He wants for us the more we start to understand or perhaps the more He shares with us. We start as children, looking for the spectacular from Him, growing into a life of talking to Him, and then hearing Him in whatever form He chooses to speak to us, and the ultimate goal would be the silent communication. To live a life that is constantly before Him. I am no where near this silent communication, but I am striving to get there, although I am sure this is a lifelong process and commitment. Through my consistent obedience, which has been painstakingly hard, I saw a glimpse of intimacy with Him that I have yet experienced until today. My only explanation is that obedience is bringing a closer intimacy with Him. I thought if the verse in Luke and think it could apply here as well.

Luke 16:10
"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.

Most of the time I hear this verse around money, but in this situation it could be used towards the information He shares with me as well. I hope that He is proud of what He sees when He looks at me and feels like He can share more with me and that I can be trusted with that information. That is surly how things played out today. My goal is to one day hear "Well done, my good and faithful servant!"

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