My Boyfriend Rocks because...
he is so patient. I think patience is a life long lesson and, for me, I seem to have to learn it all over again in every area of my life. I am not sure if Chris has learned it over the years or if he is just a patient person, but it is a great quality!!
As a mom, I feel like since I am around my kids all day, every day, patience is something I always have to have with them. Not that I am perfect all the time, but most of the time it takes A LOT for me to raise my voice at them. Guys, on the other hand, aren't around the kids all the time, due to work, and for Chris it's even less since he is divorced, so sometimes I think they forget they have to put forth an extra effort to be patient with little ones. But surprisingly, for Chris this seems like it comes very naturally.
I have also seen Chris' patience with circumstances. In the last 8 months there have been countless times where I would have been a wreck with everything he had going on. Just this week alone is a good example. He has a sales conference all week long with meetings and vendor fairs and meet and greets so he knew this week would be tough. Then on Monday, he got a flat on the highway at 9pm at night and then this morning he slept through his alarm! Now, granted, the last one may have been his fault, but still when I talked to him today, he was in a good mood!!
And the last area I have seen Chris show patience is with me. I feel like I spent the majority of the time leading up to my divorce preparing myself, healing myself. So when the divorce was final I felt like I was in a good spot. It had been a while since I felt that confident and secure in my circumstances and in myself. I felt ready to date. Now that me and Chris are starting to get more serious I realize that I still have some baggage that is holding me down. As ready as I felt with my lists and wants and desires for doing things differently, I see that actually dating someone brings about a whole different set of areas that need work and I don't think that I could have anticipated any of them prior to dating, God knows I tried! I am now finding myself being stretched and challenged by God in areas that I hadn't even thought about while being single. This makes for a very "up and down" Brittany. But, lucky for me, Chris is patient, and not only patient, but he also loves me. He reminds me that this is a journey and we will strive to be better for the rest of our lives, and that's okay. I am so blessed to have a patient man standing beside me as I continue to grow because I have no doubt that a lesser patient man would have checked out months ago!!