Have you ever given the perfect gift to someone? It was thoughtful and what they really wanted, but it was practical too because they really needed it. You wrap it and you wait til the day comes when they can open it, but you can barely keep quiet about what you've selected for them because you are so excited for them to open it. And then the day comes and they open it, and the reaction on their face is priceless and, in turn it creates a reaction within you. You almost get more joy out of giving it then they do out of receiving it. I guess that is where the saying comes from "it's better to give than to receive." It's a great moment, and I can only say I have had a handful of gifts that I have given that were that special, but last weekend I was on the receiving end. I imagine the above scenario is exactly how God felt as He saw me walking to the mailbox and opening my mail.
As I thumb through all the bills and flyers an envelope catches my eye. I have one boy on his bike and the other in the wagon, but I figure I will just open that one piece quickly and we will walk back to the house to go through the rest. As my eyes quickly scan the letter I first think it is a joke, so I read it again, and can not finish the letter without the tears spilling over.
"Dear Brittany,
This past Easter weekend you were chosen, along with a number of others, to receive a $500 blessing from our church in the name and to the glory of Jesus Christ. Someone who cares for you and knows of your need entered your name in a drawing. Please receive the enclosed blessing and use as you see fit according to your needs. We hope this will be a testimony to you of God's presence and provision in your life, as well as a living reminder that our God meets all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
Grace and Peace to you,
Chris Seidman
Farmer's Branch Church of Christ"
I did not have any words in the moment, just a reaction at the mailbox.
After I let it all sink in and thanked God a million times, I thought I would do some research to see if I could figure out who entered my name. I sent an email to my cousin and sure enough it was her family. Here is a bit of her email. She says it better then I ever could.
"At the end of the service he wanted us to turn our papers into the offering basket and they would draw four names that would actually be sent the money. When I wrote about you, I felt so strongly that God was going to bless you with the gift. At the end of our service, I put my hand on that paper and prayed over it and over you. Then as I waited for the offering basket, a "random" thought popped into my head. I laughed to myself because I thought of how your granddad and grandma use to always enter various contests and they always won. Morris used to tell me that it was all about folding the corner of the paper just enough that the edge would stick up just a bit. So in honor of your granddad, I thought, you know what, I am going to fold that corner just the way he always teased me about. Brittany, you need to know that there were probably 400-500 people in that service and they only drew four names that night. Ours was the first one announced! I was so overcome with emotion. Our whole family was doing the happy dance in our pews. It was awesome."
The obedience to God of all those involved not only furthers His kingdom, but it also takes care of the Body of Christ. I envision the Gift Giver with a huge smile on His face as He watched me walk to the mailbox, and I bet Granddaddy was right there with him.
As my Husband and Provider, why do I still doubt?? He has never failed me and you all have been witness to that time and time again!! Please know that my God is your God and He can be just as personal to each of you as He is with me. I am not special, we are all special in His eyes!