My True Love gave to me...
A fresh view of His Word
I love blogs, obviously, but my friend will regularly come across a blog and send it my way thinking I will like it too. She calls it blog stalking. This could be a bad thing depending on who you are and what blog you are looking at, but the ones we stalk are only to admire the author and to go along with another on a different journey from our own to see what God is doing over there.
As I was reading through this author's posts, I was blown away at the eloquence in which she writes, and the soft slow music that accompanied it touched me, or should I say, He touched me. When I got to the bottom I decided to hop around to a few more blogs. I landed on one that talked about a lamb.
Isaiah 53:7
He was oppressed and He was afflicted, yet he did not open His mouth;
Like a lamb that is led to slaughter, and like a sheep that is silent before its shearers, so He did not open His mouth.
This struck me like a ton of bricks. In this season, I am the one afflicted and I complain about this daily, and if not to someone, to myself. I am hurt, angry, sad, torn, and weak; so I complain. When I read this verse I realized He was also all those things and more, and on top of that, He was perfect. He had every reason to complain...I do not. I should be rejoicing in the fact that I know Him and He uses it all for good, for those that love Him. I deserve this situation, and alot worse, because I am a sinner that chose to turn from God, but instead of letting each one of us suffer the consequence we deserve He chose to step in, to step down, and to help us. I will rejoice that I have brighter days ahead only because He is here with me.